Thursday, December 16, 2010

Honors History Blog #4

1. What did you gain from your experiences as an honors student in the first semester (please consider novels, leadership opportunities, writing, history, projects, etc.)?
 I think I gained a lot of extra knowledge as an honors student. I've never been much of a book reader so this is probably good for me. Having an extra role for projects (Art Director) was fine and I it was beneficial to the class (hopefully) 

2. Discuss what you might have done differently if you could do this past semester of honors over again.
I would probably just have written a lot more for my reviews. I don't know why, but I just make my reviews really short. Also I would have directed more during the Life: The Book project, I should have been more critical with my critiques so that the art would have looked better for the book.
3. Discuss your goals for honors in the second semester.
Well, as I just said, my reviews are really short. So I plan to write much longer ones next year. Maybe helping more people out when they need it as well.
4. If you could choose any specific parts of literature and or history for our honors work next semester, what would you pick and why?
For the last book we got to pick, I picked a story about World War II, and I really enjoyed it. I think we should have a war book to read next year, that would be awesome. I think more people would enjoy reading it because war stories can't be boring! The senate hearing was pretty interesting as well, I didn't know most of the stuff that went on in a hearing until you taught us, so that was helpful.

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