Friday, December 10, 2010

Honors History Blog #2

Dear President Obama,

I understand that there are a lot of issues you are currently dealing with. The recession is something that cannot be fixed very easily. However you aren't the first president to deal with this; Franklin D. Roosevelt had to get out of a recession as well. Mr. Obama, I hope you consider recollecting what Roosevelt did during his term to help you out, during your term.

Roosevelt's main plan to get America out of the recession was called the New Deal. It's main focuses were called the 3 R's: relief, recovery, and reform. Relief for the unemployed and the people in poverty, recovery of the economy, and reform of the financial system. Alon with the 3 R's were five other programs: Rural Electrification Administration (REA), Federal Deposit Insurance Cooperation (FDIC), the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), the Works Progress Administration (WPA), and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). In a summary, all these programs gave a major boost to America's economy and pumped out a lot of needed money.

I believe if you did something similar to what Roosevelt did, America would be in better shape. The programs that he created are something that you can do as well and we definitely need them. Maybe you could also take an Anti-Federalist approach to this problem and have every state input some help, that might be a good idea. In general when problems are created and help is spread out, the problem gets resolved sooner, so take that into consideration.

I hope this helps, because this is probably the biggest issue in America right now and something needs to be done. Roosevelt may have had the right idea and I think you should look at him as an example.

Nathaniel A. Ross

Works Cited

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