Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Icons Loop

Opening - "Stanley Kubrick is one of the greatest directors and writers of all time. He was very creative and his movies were very influential. "

Closing - "He is my favorite director to this day, and I hope to one day be as influential as him."

I chose this intro because it shows what I think about Stanley Kubrick. I should probably work on it more because, to me, I don't think it's the best attention grabber. The closing reinforces part of my continuum and closes up again what I think of Stanley.

I think it ties together my big ideas because in the intro I say how influential he is. In the end I say that I want to become an influential person and have great ideas like him. I think that that kind of encases my big idea.

I would like my readers to be thinking of my big idea and how they may relate to it as well. I want them to think about great pieces of work and how they would also like to create equally great creations of their own. I hope that my final artist statement properly conveys that message that I'm trying to send.


This is my new intro because I hated my other one.

“A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.” This quote is open ended to me; I don’t think it’s only applied to film. I apply it to whatever I’m working on; I want emotions to come from my work, I want it to be meaningful and I want people remember it. Stanley Kubrick wrote this quote and I admire it as well as him.

This is my new outro, I'm still working on it though

Although I am not particularly interested in doing the same thing as him, I hope that one day I can create something that is as influential as something from Stanley.

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