Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Constitution, The News, & You

The Hard Work of Gun Control

Basically, this article is showing how Chicago is fighting with Federal law to ban the possession of handguns.
"Thirteen days ago, the Supreme Court undermined Chicago’s ban on handguns by applying the Second Amendment to the states, ruling that people have a right to protect their homes with a gun. Four days after that, Chicago passed another handgun restriction that edged right up to the line drawn by the court. And on Tuesday, a group of gun dealers and enthusiasts sued the city again to overturn the new law. "
It's kind of ridiculous how they keep going back and forth banning and unbanning this law.

This relates to the Constitution because of the Second Amendment; the right to bear arms. Federal law says that this is A-OK, but under state law, Chicago wants to prohibit handguns because they are used for murdering people in a big city. I agree with Chicago's stance because I see no reason why you would need a handgun for defense if everyone else didn't have a handgun because they were banned. I seriously doubt that if handguns were banned, criminals will start carrying giant shotguns around, but who knows.

I thought this was interesting how much they want back and forth and couldn't just agree on a consensus. This also got me thinking about the legalization of marijuana in California, because it's still going to be against Federal law which is like the same thing here, they just can't agree.

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