Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Senate Health Care Hearings

What are your character's main goals for the Senate Health Care Hearings?
John Kerry's main goal is to pass a universal health care bill. Another goal is for very affordable health care for all children.

What do you want to accomplish?
I obviously want universal health care, but I doubt that the Republican side is going to allow that bill. So I'm focused more on a more generalized affordable health care system. People should be allowed to choose if they want to pay for a private/public health care company, or for a government run option.

How do you plan to accomplish it?
I plan accomplishing this by working with the witnesses as well as coming up with a middle ground with the Republicans.

Who are you working with to get this done?
I'm mainly working with Gio as Joe Biden. I requested him as a witness mainly because of the healthcare bill he helped pass with Obama. I am also working with Jon as Paul Krugman.

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