Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Semester Δύο, Honors Blog

Dear person,

It is August 15th, 1945. I was drafted into the 442nd Infantry Regiment exactly one year ago. We may be sent home soon, but we will be sent as second class citizens. I am looking forward to coming home, but some of the other soldiers would rather stay and fight than be sent home as second class citizens. I hear that in Hawaii they are actually starting a peaceful movement against it, and I would definitely join if I could. 

We came up with this song to give us hope during one of our fights.
"Four-Forty-Second Infantry— We're the boys of Hawai'i nei— We'll fight for you And the Red, White and Blue, And go to the front... And back to Honolulu-lulu. Fighting for dear old Uncle Sam Go for broke! HOOH! We don't give a damn! We'll round up the Huns At the point of our guns, And vict'ry will be ours! GO FOR BROKE! FOUR-FOUR-TWO! GO FOR BROKE! FOUR-FOUR-TWO! And vict'ry will be ours!"

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