Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Semester Zwei, Blog One

What are the big ideas that you are taking from internship into the next steps in your life?
Well, one big idea I'm taking from internship is that I really hate doing your average intern work. Filing papers, organizing, setting everything up, etc is not something I want to do. This gives me motivation because I want to be successful and get a job where I could so something that's interesting and that I enjoy. I think that my internship was really helpful in a really boring way.

What are your plans for the coming semester?
I'm planning on keeping up the good work and basically just improving all of my skills. My plan is to not procrastinate as much as I usually do (I put the pro in procrastinate) and I think all of my work will benefit from it. If I just do all my work, on time, and have it be quality work, I will get great grades no problem.

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